Spellbound journal
Do you love old typewriters?
I’ve always loved a typewriter, and at one point a few years ago, I owned three of them.
During an inspiration session with my brother, we talked about bringing one into Spellbound for guests to write on, but we didn’t have a clear reason yet, just a spark of an idea that we both liked. I bought a brand new ink ribbon, but never did bring in the typewriter. I was waiting to find the perfect stand and it never happened. Then came the New Year, and I re-evaluated what was important to the store going forward. The things that are important are not always the items I am ticking off for my to do list, taxes, finances, ordering, etc. Its always the little ideas, that give joy and interest my brain and wake me up at dawn.
So at New Year I just started by giving Spellbound a page at a time journal, for guests to add their thoughts, comments on the shop, 5 year old learning to spell, sdagfuyeirf efbwecb shbofsiefge47395, nonsense, verses from Corinthians, poetry and sad ideas.
Word snapshots of our community are being added. Beautiful words are flowing like the river outside our doors and I am happy I quit waiting to bring that old typewriter in.
January 21, 2024
“The fog may roll in slowly despite the swiftness of the wind. The tings we build are never completed while we watch and anticipate Make your own difference; just a bit.