September First Friday

Potions 101 begins this September First Friday.

We gather to learn how to make Fire Cider, an antimicrobial remedy, that you can use at your dinner table. Food as Medicine.

This potion, or remedy is traditional to make in the early autumn, as the ingredients are freshest. We then let it potentize for the proper length of time, which actually coincides with the season we are challenged the most with illnesses-winter. Come in for this interesting workshop and learn how to gather local farm grown ingredients to make your own Fire Cider for years to come.

Participants will bring home their own sample of Fire Cider, as well as a recipe to work with in the future.

There is a potions materials/class fee of $20. per person

All are welcome,

Email to register, participants must register and pay the class/materials fee

This information is for educational purposes only


July First Friday Event with Christine Shrauger Trent, Author of “Sacred Ground”